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AI Competencies for Library Workers

At the start of his term in June 2024, ACRL President Leo Lo established a task force to develop comprehensive AI competencies for library workers, aligning with the evolving needs of academic libraries

In this session, Dr. Lo and the co-chairs of the task force— Keven Jeffery and Jason Coleman—will present the most recent draft of the competencies, describe the processes used to create them, and discuss how they can be applied by library administrators, educators, faculty, and staff to help us and our patrons adapt to new ways of creating, consuming, analyzing, and describing information.


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This event is brought to you by the Professional Development Alliance - a group of library consortia committed to sharing learning opportunities across member libraries. This event is specifically hosted by CARLI.

Friday, May 2, 2025
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Online - At Your Computer
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NC LIVE Training

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